Transformational changes that are implemented both in the theory of brand management and in its practical application, exacerbate the need for scientific research aimed at creating theoretic and applied approaches to brand management in the activities of enterprises. At the same time, enterprises need to take into account a number of key factors that influence the brand management's effectiveness in the strategic development of enterprises.
Naming is one of the elements of a brand management system that is actively and effectively used in conditions of uncertainty. Naming is the process of creating a name. [2, p.55].
It is believed that the name must necessarily correspond to the type of goods, reflect its functionality. Practice shows that in fact, the success of a brand depends not on the name and its conformity to the product category, but on what values, ideals and meanings are embedded in the brand itself and represent its essence. However, the name created in accordance with the rules of naming, sets the consumer a vector of thinking and lays the correct perception of the trademark already at the earliest stages.
This is especially true when the brand is new and has only just come out or enters the market.Such a brand will help to form the "right" associations and the image of the goods and develop them in the right direction.
According to experts, the process of creating a name includes the following stages:
• research of names of competitors and their concepts (reduces the risk of repetition of competitors, allows to take into account their mistakes and miscalculations, generates ideas for their own brand);
• defining the criteria that a name must match;
• search for ideas and variations of names, creating a list;
• selection of names using linguistic analysis;
• testing. (focus groups, expert assessments, questionnaires, etc.);
• check for patent purity and registration of the name [1, p. 37].
Among the main criteria that the brand name should meet, one can distinguish: the names should convey the essence of the product, emphasize its uniqueness; to attract the attention of the consumer and stimulate interest; create a brand image and match it; be simple enough to remember; to buy, to inspire confidence, to develop positive emotions.
Among the main methods of generating brand names can be identified:
- allusion,
- analogy,
- borrowing from foreign languages,
- metonymy,
- transfer,
- connection [1, p. 38].
In conclusion, it should be noted that when creating a brand name, it is necessary to consider the following points: the scope of the product under this brand (household goods or professional tools, service in the store, at home, etc.); target audience (social, educational status, income, thesaurus, semantic and value orientations, vocabulary); a unique trading offer (the most interesting property of the product, relevant to the target audience and offered to the consumer); product life cycle (how long it is supposed to use the name).
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