Наукові конференції України, VІIІ Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція «Сучасні підходи до управління підприємством»

Розмір шрифту: 
THE ECONOMIC SECURITY IS IMPERATIVE OF MODERN ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT Abstract. Studied the substance and determined the structure of economic security; clarified the notion of "economic security", found its properties as an object of management; reviewed
Олександра Миколаївна Ляшенко

Остання редакція: 2015-04-22

Тези доповіді

INTRODUCTION. Latitude notions of security are quite natural. The more complex and richer ordainable object is, the more definitions of what it describes. It is therefore natural that the concept of "security" enters the different scope and area of expertise, such as philosophy, sociology, law, political science, physics, mathematics, psychology. From the standpoint of security the security logic seen as a set of elements and the relationship which causes the integrity of the system. Thus the main focus in the study of economic security as a system is to identify a variety of relationships that occur inside of an object, and in its interaction with the environment.

Every system, as well as anybody in general needs security. Enterprises are also drawn to security. Security is one of the most important conditions of the enterprise functioning. Among the numerous researches of security the research of enterprise economic security is the most popular today. However, actuality and popularity of such researches, the form and the content of the enterprise economic security management are in the inconsistent state, and the conceptual principles of such management can not be acknowledged as harmoniously put together. Because of this, one of the priorities of improving the competitiveness of any modern enterprises and to provide of their sustainable economic growth is to build a system economic security, aimed at crisis situations prevention and creating prerequisites for the successful adaptation of these enterprises to changing conditions of the external environment [6]. Concurring with the classics’ opinion concerning the necessity of keeping to the unity of form and content in science, it should be noted that the achievement of the goals of enterprise economic security management  is only possible at the terms of creation of clear and logical concept of such management.

In modern difficult conditions of enterprise functioning the problem of economic security management has become considerably accentuated. Complication of such management is caused by a whole number of factors among them are differences in the interpretations of the concepts of «enterprise economic security» and «enterprise economic security management», dynamic nature of external and internal environments of an enterprise, vague semantics of threats of economic security and so forth.

Therefore in modern scientific researches economic security is considered either as a state of threat protection or as a state of the corporate resources [9] usage or as a measure of harmonization of the enterprise interests in time and space. The domineering among those researches are the ones which consider economic security as a state of enterprise threat protection [1-5].

METHODOLOGY. The goals of this manuscript are genesis of economic security of enterprise, to substance and determined the structure of economic security; clarified the notion of "economic security", found its properties as an object of management; reviewed the terms of the requirements for handling systems of economic security; studied the nature of economic security, shows his place in the system of economic security; defined the objectives of the system of economic security.

Security of any object is always inherent mobility, so in terms of epistemology security category can be considered as characteristic as a property as a result. These features are in this category, specified in the work on economic security of enterprise, on the one hand, due to the complexity of the nature of the security and its close connection with the category of development, and the other - the peculiar nature of the enterprise itself. Therefore, in the detail the nature of the business of legal, economic and administrative point of view, as a result found that the existing theory of operation of the enterprise, unfortunately, covering only some aspects of its business through that in a context of economic security they can not always be considered valid.

Thematic field of the study called for more generalized concept of operation of the enterprise within which the safe existence and development of the company would undertake the role of system integrator of various socio-economic processes in the company in time and space.  This understands of the company used to work for an explanation economic security of enterprise. The distinguishing feature of this explanation is its consistency requirements of the enterprise. Establishing linkages and interdependence between economic security and that of its development served as the use of the provisions of critical analysis [6-8].

Conceptualizing Security as a form of entity, based on the postulates of the theory of a gradual process, possible to explain the genesis economic security of enterprise and to clarify the definition of "economic security enterprise," which, in contrast to the most common understanding of how security against threats interpreted as a result of controlled processes to achieve management objectives triad economic security company that provides entry into certain extent its economic freedom within existing objective and subjective limitations.

One of the main objectives is to develop securitylogical research methods and design safety systems of different types of classes and levels. Therefore, the fundamental design of the study is to examine system-building economic security of enterprise.

Under the system economic security of enterprise, unlike the commonly used interpretations of the work refers to a complete set of interrelated and interdependent processes that must guide the implementation to achieve some degree of economic.

RESULTS OF RESEARCHING. A distinguishing feature of building structural logic composition of economic security of enterprise as the control object is the determining role of economic choice to achieve the main goal – the economic freedom of enterprise. In particular, the economic choice in the system economic security of enterprise means choosing the best of the alternative option reconciling the interests of stakeholders enterprise of rational use of resources. Economic choices can significantly restrict unfair competition, economic crime, corruption, crises (as phenomenon), raider attacks, opportunistic behavior and so on.

In modern conditions transformation of enterprise economic security into socio-economic one is taking place. Such transformation is caused by intensification of human factor impact in the external and internal environments of enterprise. The manifestation of such impact in the external environment of enterprise is the maturing of the social responsibility, and in the internal one it is the formation of social partnership. However, as the research showed, such formation is accompanied with a whole number of threats which appear either as a result of a conflict of interests of participants of such process or through their conscious or half-conscious destructive actions and so forth.

The systems approach involves the study of interconnected factors with regard to their internal and external communication, collaboration and subordination, which is achieved through organizing. Systematics in general is placing studied phenomena or objects in a specific order with the discovery of their relationship and subordination.

Effectiveness of management of economic security enterprise is regarded as compatible imperative to achieve and dominant purpose of such management is reconciling the interests of stakeholders of the enterprise and resist threats its economic security. Complementary goal – re-shaping of the  economic security companies – realized by reallocating resources to achieve the imperative and the dominant goals and cue-way that they did not enter into confrontation. Compatible achieve by dominant management objectives and economic security company if necessary may additionally be adjusted, for example, the amount of resource maintenance, reserved for strengthening economic security. Adjustments can be made using the appropriate coefficient and essentially be the accelerator to achieve performance management of economic security company.

The approach to understanding performance management economy security enterprise is fundamentally different from existing ones. Often the concept of efficiency is identified with the concept of efficiency, indicating that the lack of scientific study explored issues, its polymorfnyy nature and shortcomings of existing theoretical and methodological approaches. Therefore, in the logic of the basis is subordinate performance indicators of effectiveness, hence proposed that effectiveness management of economic security through the prism of evaluation Effectiveness management of economic security company, which, in turn, is based on the ratio of abstract and damages. Although required to acknowledge that such an approach to evaluating the effectiveness is not without disadvantages, stemming from problems in obtaining relevant information, and the interpretation of the results of calculations which may arise as a result of negative index.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of management of economic security the enterprise required selection criteria, application which allows you to set the type and scale of the metric measurements. Currently, research results economic processes develop under the influence of two landmarks, each of which, in turn, is a dialectical unity of several components. The first dominant concerns overcoming contradictions between availability of resources for their use, namely comparing the results with resources management, spent the period to achieve such results. The second dominant refers to eliminate uncertainty in the triad "goal – way – result". In addition, there is another logical problem - comparison purposes and the results of management of economic security company, which can be partly solved by the creation of metrics that would be understandable for the management of economic security the enterprise. A special place in this metric has the selection criteria for that effectiveness, which, in turn, depends on many factors. Therefore, the work identified and the criteria of evaluation of achievement of management objectives of economic security company.

The basis of assessment of the performance management of economic security company on the principles of commitment, reliability, completeness, transparency, comprehensiveness, measurability, information economic security. Evaluation of the effectiveness of management of economic security the enterprise is seen as an ordered sequence of economic security, events, subjects, objects of economic security for specific characters or numbers based on pre-established rules and procedures, which use is directed to the adequacy of displaying real economic reality. The suggested a sequence of evaluation of effectiveness of management-term economic security companies: identification of threats to security economic, the development and implementation of preventive measures to prevent such threats, evaluating the effectiveness of preventive measures to prevent threats and to identify reasons for the lack of effectiveness of preventive measures to prevent threats and to identify new threats and identification of the degree; valuation of measures to prevent threats or overcome the consequences of their actions by reference, named of the implementation complex of such measures.

Consequently, the development of the general conditions of activity and the mutual relations inside enterprise makes it possible to talk about enterprise socio-economic security as the timely consistent genesis of the “enterprise economic security” concept. In relation to large industrial enterprises which are the subsoil of the steady development of the economy of Ukraine, socio-economic security acquires greater significance. Therefore development of the propositions of enterprise socio-economic management, formation of its resource provision, evaluation of effectiveness of such management and so forth must belong to the prospects of the further scientific researches.

CONCLUSION. As enterprise economic security management it is suggested to understand a process provided with the appropriate resources of interconsistency of interests the bearers of which are agents of both external and internal environments of enterprise, the range of leading influences of which determines the measure of its immunity to external and internal threats. The range of such influences can fluctuate from opposition to threats to elimination of their consequences that is from threat prevention to full danger. So, given that the main purpose of the system economic security of enterprise is to achieve its economic freedom, the work has been suggested: the economic security of enterprise management is a specific object that belongs to a class of partially controlled. Results verify this hypothesis, the requirement for precise term manageability of economic security of enterprise, living conditions and establish its extent.


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Ключові слова

economic security, management, system, enterprise, interest, threat, resource providing, economic freedom